
    Cotton growing area monitoring in Northwest China using CBERS-1 data based on satellite remote sensing

    • 摘要: 新疆是我国重要的产棉区。全面、快速、客观地监测棉花种植面积的年际波动情况,可为生产管理部门提供重要的决策依据。该项目是CBRES-1应用示范项目之一,目的是研究其应用潜力。该研究建立了基于CBERS-1卫星图像的新疆棉花种植面积遥感监测运行系统的技术体系,实现了新疆棉花种植面积的遥感监测,并为应用中巴资源一号卫星CCD数据监测我国其它大宗农作物的种植面积提供示范,为后续卫星在农业领域的大规模应用打下基础。


      Abstract: Northwest China's Xingjiang Autonomous Region is a major cotton production area in China. It is essential for cotton production and trade management to collect objective and timely information of cotton growing area at a national level. So far West China's Landsat TM image can not be received efficiently in China and it is impossible to monitor Xingjiang's cotton area using remote sensing for China Ministry of Agriculture before the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1) was launched in 1999 and operationally used in 2000. The objective of this research is to evaluate the possibility of agricultural application with CBERS-1 data. In the recent two years, a satellite remote sensing based approach for cotton growing area monitoring in Northwest China using CBERS-1 data was developed and operationally used in China Ministry of Agriculture.


