
    Application status quo and prospect of agriculture remote sensing in China

    • 摘要: 目前,遥感技术在我国农业上主要应用在农用地资源的监测与保护、农作物大面积估产与长势监测、农业气象灾害监测和作物模拟模型等几方面。该文对我国农业遥感上述几方面的研究、应用进行了讨论、分析与评价,认为3S一体化、灾害预测研究、高光谱遥感、定量遥感是今后的发展方向。同时,遥感技术的应用与发展,对我国农业数字化进程的推进有不可替代的作用。


      Abstract: Now in China agriculture,remote sensing technique is applying in many studies, such as the monitoring and protection of agricultural field, the estimation of yield in large area crop, the monitoring of crop growth, the monitoring of agricultural and meteorologic disaster, the crop simulation model and so on. In this paper, the studies and applications mentioned above were discussed, analysed and evaluated. The development direction of agriculture remote sensing in studies is the technique of 3S integration, the forecast of disaster, hyperspectrual remote sensing, ration remote sensing and so on. At the same time, the application and development of remote sensing technology play an very important role in the boosting of Chinese digital agriculture process.


