
    Effect of controlling modes of Zuoqing conditions on quality of Oolong tea

    • 摘要: 为了降低乌龙茶人工做青环境的投资成本和能耗,改善做青环境空气质量,对恒温恒风和恒温无风两种做青环境进行试验比较,通过在线测定做青环境指标及青叶若干生理指标,探明做青环境调控方式对叶层空气参数、青叶生理生化变化以及毛茶品质的影响。结果表明,恒温恒风调控方式能有效降低叶层空气的相对湿度,改善空气质量,增大青叶的气孔导度、失水速率及呼吸速率,提高毛茶的水浸出物和游离氨基酸含量,毛茶品质较优。春茶乌龙茶做青环境调控参数宜为:温度22~25℃,相对湿度70%~80%,做青前期叶层平均风速0.2 m/s。


      Abstract: In order to reduce the costs of investment and energy and to improve the air quality, on-line air parameters and some physiological indexes of green leaf in two different types of Zuoqing conditions were determined, i.e., constant temperature and constant wind; constant temperature and windless. The experiment indicated that, in the blast environment, the leaf layer relative humidity was reduced greatly, and that the air quality, the stoma conduct of leaf, dehydration rate, respiratory rate, products of soaking row tea, free amino acids increased. The quality of Oolong tea made in the blast environment was superior to that made in the other. The controlling parameters in spring were as follows: the temperature is 22~25℃, the relative humidity is 70%~80%,the average wind speed is 0.2 m/s during the early stage of Zuoqing process.


