
    Mechanism and application for formation of edible, long-term fresh flowers

    • 摘要: 为解决目前鲜花保鲜中存在的色、香、形等问题,选用玫瑰花、荷花为试材,采用微波、生物大分子涂膜等技术,研究了可食性鲜花色、香、形永久保持的机理。结果表明:魔芋多糖、β-环状糊精、柠檬酸等物质及高火短时的微波条件对鲜花的色泽、香气、外形有很好的稳定作用,同时花材的浸泡时间,浸泡液的浓度等因素也有一定影响。并在此基础上研制成可食性永贮玫瑰花和荷花。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problems of color, fragrance and shape in preservation of long-term stored flowers. Edible fresh roses and lotus flowers were used as testing raw materials to study the mechanism of long-term preservation of the color, fragrance and shape of edible fresh flowers by means of the microwave radiation, polysaccharide film coating method and so on. The results indicated that the chosen materials, such as, Konjac-mannan, β-cyclodextrin, and citric acid and high-power, short-time microwave treatment could help to enhance color, fragrance and shape stability. The soaking time and solution concentration had also some effects. Based on these discoveries, long-term edible fresh roses and lotus flowers were produced.


