
    Effects of preservative agents and nuclear radiation on preservation of pickled Portunus trituberculatus

    • 摘要: 本试验以腌渍梭子蟹为原料,应用保鲜剂正交试验和辐照灭菌方式对保鲜技术进行研究,探讨其微生物指标和品质的变化。结果表明:梭子蟹经柠檬酸、焦亚硫酸钠、乳酸链球菌素、55°白酒保鲜处理,当贮藏温度≤10℃,白酒对微生物有明显抑制效果,贮藏温度≥20℃时,效果不明显;应用Co608 kGy/kg辐照杀菌可达商业无菌,而2 kGy、4 kGy辐照杀菌的腌渍梭子蟹要较长时间储藏,还必须结合冷藏。另外,辐照剂量与游离氨基酸的含量、氨基酸总量呈负相关,与色泽呈正相关。


      Abstract: The technonlogy for keeping pickled Portunus trituberculatus (P. trituberculatus) fresh investigated by orthogonal experiments of preservative agents and methods of nuclear radiation was studied. The effects of several preservative agents on storage period in P. trituberculatus were evaluated. The results show that the storage period of P. trituberculatus can be prolonged using preservative agents. The treatment with high alcoholic wine significantly inhibited microorganisms when pickled P. trituberculatus were stored under 10℃. While opposite result was found when stored above 20℃. Nuclear radiation and the packaging by vacuum were beneficial. "Commercial sterility" could be reached using 8 kGy/kg nuclear radiation dose. Cold storage, however, was necessary to preserve for a longer period if pickled P. trituberculatus were treated by 2 kGy and 4 kGy. In addition, nuclear radiation dose had negative correlation with the content of free amino acid, and positive correlation with color.


