Advance of study on irrigation techniques in greenhouse
摘要: 该文对棚室蔬菜生产条件下,滴灌、地下滴灌、渗灌、微喷灌等节水灌溉技术与相关理论的研究进行了归纳总结,在此基础上提出棚室蔬菜生产中土壤水分调控进一步研究应注重生物节水、作物精量控制用水以及节水系统的科学管理,并重视农业节水与生态环境保护的密切结合。Abstract: This paper sums up the advance of study on techniques and theory of water-saving irrigation such as drip irrigation, subirrigation, and sprinkle irrigation in greenhouse. The development proposals were presented that the techniques of soil water control during vegetable production in greenhouse should emphasize biological water-saving, scientific management of water-saving system and combination between agricultural water-saving and ecological environmental protection.