
    Application and modeling of land use degree evaluation-models on county regional scale

    • 摘要: 在新形势下回顾和总结了以往土地利用率衡量土地利用程度的优缺点,并从利用广度、强度和深度3个层次全面阐述土地利用率的内涵,由此提出衡量区域土地利用程度应当从种植制度、有效生物产出、经济产出3个方面来综合评估,土地利用率复种指数、产出指数和效益指数三者各有侧重。研究结果表明,曲周县全县土地利用程度高的区域分布较为典型,集中分布在3个区域:一是以四疃为中心科技辐射点的北部区域;二是依托邯临公路两侧的带状区域;三是以城关镇为中心高投入辐射面的东部区域。


      Abstract: The development of the concept of land use rate, and its advantage and disadvantage under the new situation were analyzed. The profound meaning of the land use rate was elaborated roundly in the extent, profundity and intensity of utility. Then the essence of the land use was distinguished, and the land use rate models were selected to assort and comprehensively evaluated the land use degree on county regional scale. With the support of GIS, the land use degree of Quzhou County in Hebei province was studied. As a result, the land of high use-degree was focusing on the three areas: the first is Situan villages, which is the science and technology center of Quzhou County, the next is Hanlin highway belt, and the last is diffusion zone of Quzhou town, in which the agricultural cropping with high yield and high input efficiency.


