
    Quantitative evaluation of land resources of small watershed in hilly semi-arid area of China

    • 摘要: 该文选择丘陵半干旱区国家水土流失重点治理区的辽宁朝阳市北四家小流域作为典型试验区,遵循发生学和主导因素原则,应用层次分析和聚类分析方法,通过划分小流域土地类型、确定土地评价指标体系、建立土地评价层次分析模型、构造判断矩阵、层次排序和一致性检验,将该流域土地资源划分为6个等级,并对各等级土地进行了适宜性评价,提出了其生态环境恢复重建和开发利用的方向。为我国丘陵半干旱区土地资源定量化评价和高效开发利用提供科学依据。


      Abstract: By choosing a typical experimental site which located on the Soil Loss Mainly Harnessing Area of China in the western part of Liaoning, following the happening theory and dominant factor principle, using the methods of the layer analysis and the cluster analysis, based on the dividing land types, confirming land resources evaluation index systems, developing the layer analysis models for land resources evaluation, constructing judging matrix, sorting order and coincidence test, the land resources of small watershed in Beisijia were classified into six classes, and the adaptability evaluation of the six classes land resources were done. Meanwhile, the directions of ecological environment restoration and land resources utilization for the small watershed were put forward. These results can provide scientific bases for not only the quantitative evaluation of land resources, but also the ecological environment protection and land resources development and utilization in hilly semi-arid area of China.


