
    Silting land and sediment blocking benefit of check damin hilly and gully region on the Loess Plateau

    • 摘要: 根据皇甫川、窟野河、佳芦河、秃尾河、大理河5条支流内黄丘区小流域淤地坝的调查资料,分析了淤地坝单坝的淤积速度、拦沙指标和拦沙效益,以及与其影响因素之间的关系。研究结果表明,黄土高原丘陵沟壑区淤地坝的淤地拦沙效益与淤地坝的规格、流域的侵蚀产沙特征有着密切的关系。淤地坝的平均淤积库容在0.9~2.4万m3之间,平均淤地面积在0.14~0.45 hm2之间,与坝高、坝控面积、侵蚀产沙模数和泥沙粒径成正比;拦沙指标变化在500~760万t/km2


      Abstract: On the basis of investigation data of check dams in small watersheds in hilly and gully region of Huangpuchuan, Kuyehe, Jialuhe,Tuweihe and Dalihe rivers on the Loess Plateau, the velocity of silting, sediment blocking index and sediment blocking benefit of single check dam, and the relationships between them and its effect factors were analyzed. The annual average silting volume of check dam was 0.9~2.1×104 m3, and the annual average silting land of check dam was 0.14~0.45 hm2; They are positively related to the height and control area of check dam, erosive sediment modulus and the size of sediment particles in the control area of check dam. The sediment blocking index varied from 500×104 t/km2 to 760×104 t/km2, and has positive relationship with the height of check dam, and negative relationship with the size of sediment particles. The sediment blocking benefit of check dam ranged from 23.3% to 52.9%, and has positive relationship with check dam height, negative relationship with the control area of check dam and the modulus of coarse sediment(d>0.05 mm) in the control area of check dam. It was considered that the comprehensive control should be carried out to produce a marked effect of each of soil-water conservation measures, to promote converting slope field into forest or grasses cultivation, and to restore the forest and grasses and bring the soil erosion preventing function of forest and grasses into full play in the early period of ecological environment construction.


