
    Improving severe draggling actuality of plant protection machinery and its application techniques

    • 摘要: 中国已经加入了WTO,农业生产标准化是必然之路,但我国落后的植保机械和农药使用技术与之不相适应,带来了诸如农药有效利用率低、农产品中农药残留超标、环境污染等问题。植保机械不同于其他的农业机械,发达的欧美国家在上个世纪70年代就将植保机械列入特种农业机械行列,有其专门管理部门和机构。该文根据我国植保机械和施药技术的现状,提出了减少农药用量、保障农产品安全的关键在于改变我国植保机械和施药技术严重落后的现实,并提出解决相关问题的对策。


      Abstract: China has already joined the WTO. Standardization of agricultural production is necessary, but the draggling plant protection machinery and its application techniques are not assorted with this situation, the problems are such as low efficiently using, residue of pest, contaminated environment, toxics, etc.. Plant protection machinery is very different with the other agricultural machinery, its quality and application techniques level affect safety of products. In last 1970s, the plant protection machinery was lined in special type gricultural machinery in developed countries, they had special institution and management. After joining the WTO, the plant protection machinery must be tested according to CCC-Standards in China, but until now there is no best way to improve its draggling actuality. The existing problems of machinery and its application techniques were discussed, and the methods to solve those problems were presented.


