
    Water and nitrogen use efficiency for winter wheat under the condition of irrigation with treated sewage effluent

    • 摘要: 农田水氮利用效率的研究可为农田灌溉和施肥提供相应的科学依据。该文用田间实验研究再生水灌溉条件下冬小麦水分与氮素的利用效率。田间试验设置了高、中、低3个不同灌水水平下的清水灌溉加施肥、再生水灌溉加施肥和再生水灌溉不施肥(仅施底肥)9个处理,试验结果表明:灌水量、灌溉水质、施肥量对冬小麦株高的影响很小;叶面积指数随灌水量的减少而减小;再生水灌溉加施肥条件下的产量最高。不同灌溉水量条件下,冬小麦再生水灌溉的耗水规律与清水灌溉的耗水规律十分接近,且累积耗水量随灌溉水量的增大而增加;水分利用效率与灌溉水质和施肥无关,仅与灌水量有关,且随灌溉水量的增加而减少。氮的利用效率受灌水量、灌溉水质、施肥量的影响较小。


      Abstract: To investigate water and nitrogen use efficiency for winter wheat irrigation with treated sewage effluent, an experiment was conducted in Yongledian irrigation experimental station during the winter wheat growing season with silt loamy soil. Winter wheat (BEIJING8—8866) was used as test crop. There were three irrigation levels were used, high 125 mm, moderate 83 mm and low 42 mm. Three different treatments under each irrigation level were applied respectively. Two fertilizer application levels with 1000 kg urea+500 kg compound fertilizer (with 8% N, P and K respectively)per hectare for high level and 500 kg compound fertilizer per treatments for low level were used respectively. Only treatments irrigated with treated sewage effluent contained both fertilizer levels. Thus made total of 9 treatments. Results indicated that the influence of irrigation rate, fertilizer level and quality of irrigation water on crop height was small; both leaf area index and yield increased with increasing irrigation rate and amount of fertilizer applied. The cumulative evapotranspiration increased while water use efficiency (WUE) decreased with increasing irrigation rate, and WUE was independent of fertilizer level and the quality of irrigation water. Total nitrogen uptake by plant and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) were independent of irrigation rate, fertilizer level and the quality of irrigation water.


