
    Effects of dual mulches on chestnut orchard soil

    • 摘要: 对板栗园树盘土壤进行麦秸、黑色地膜和无色地膜的单一或双重覆盖试验。结果表明,所有覆盖处理的保水效果均好于对照,但对温度的影响因不同处理而有差异;覆草+覆膜的处理不仅具有显著的增温保墒作用,能培肥地力,双重覆盖处理的有机质平均含量比单独的膜覆盖增加0.1%,有效磷和有效钾分别提高1.2和5.7 mg·kg-1,孔隙度增加3.21%,栗果产量增加10.70%。综合各种效应不同处理优劣顺序为:黑膜+草>无色膜+草>覆草> 黑膜>无色膜>对照。


      Abstract: The experiments of single mulch and dual mulch were carried out on the chestnut orchard soil with wheat straw and black and colorless plastic film. The results showed that the water conservation effects of all the mulch treatments were more significant than the contrast, but there was a difference in the effect on temperature because of different treatments. The dual mulches not only improved temperature and water significantly but also enriched the soil, and increased average organic matter content, available P, available K, porosity, and yield increased 0.1%, 1.2 mg·kg-1, 5.7 mg·kg-1, 3.21% and 10.70% more than the single film mulch respectively. The total effect was as follows: black plastic film and wheat straw dual mulch>colorless plastic film and wheat straw dual mulch>wheat straw mulch>black plastic film mulch>colorless plastic film mulch>contrast.


