
    Linear programming model of optimal design for branch network with water tower back of network

    • 摘要: 树状管网系统广泛用于乡镇供水工程,通过优化设计,可获得管网系统最经济的设计方案。该文在考虑管网系统最高用水和最大转输两种工况的基础上,针对对置水塔树状管网系统各组成部分的压力和流量关系,建立了该管网系统优化设计的线性规划模型,应用这一优化设计模型,以管网系统年费用最小为目标函数,在保证管网系统各节点所需流量和压力条件下,可确定管段尺寸、水塔高度和泵站扬程的最优值,获得树状网前水塔管网系统的优化设计方案。


      Abstract: The branch networks are widely applied to the water supply engineering of villages and small towns. The most economical network design was obtained by using the optimal design. Considering the two types of load both maximum load and transfer load of network, the linear programming model was presented to optimize branch network with water tower back of network, based on the relation of the hydraulic pressure and discharge of the parts in network. Assured demand for the pressure and discharge of network nodes, the dimensions of network, the lift of pump and the height of water tower were determined, thereby the optimal design of branch network with water tower back of network was obtained, based on the linear programming model.


