
    Investigation and analysis of agricultural condition information demand in China

    • 摘要: 农情信息是指农业资源、环境与主要农作物的生长过程、状况的信息。调查研究与分析的目的是为国家农情监测系统的研究开发提供信息采集、处理与发布的标准。本次调查通过抽样方式,覆盖了国家7个部委局与全国22个省、自治区三个层次的农情信息用户,通过对农情信息需求的调查分析得出:农情监测信息具有及时、客观与覆盖面广的特点,已成为不可缺少的农业信息资源;农情信息同时已成为各级决策、生产管理、生产经营及农产品市场部门制定农业政策、管理指导农业生产和制定经营策略的重要科学依据;我国农情信息的采集、加工处理与发布缺乏统一的标准,缺乏统一协调的信息服务管理机制,信息资源共享系统亟待解决。


      Abstract: The agricultural condition information includes the information of agricultural resources, agricultural environment and main crops growth condition and yield. The objective of this investigation is to build up a national standard of agricultural condition information acquisition, process and release for developing the national agricultural condition monitoring system. This research by means of sampling method investigated 7 central government ministries and 22 provincial and local government agencies and agricultural product markets in China at three administrative levels. The conclusions of the investigation are as follows:timely, objective and sufficient agricultural condition information is important for government management and business decision making; National standards are necessary for agricultural condition information collecting, processing and releasing for information sharing and application.


