
    Drop impact dynamic characteristics and relationship between its characteristics and firmness for peach

    • 摘要: 随着人们对水果品质要求的提高,水果品质检测的研究已得到重视。该文研究的重点是桃下落冲击激励后、分析果实响应信号频谱特征,探讨与响应频谱特性与果实物理参数的相关性。试验采用不同下落高度、质量、坚实度和和贮藏时间,测定并分析了果实的各种响应信号。试验结果分析表明,不同下落高度对响应主频率没有较大影响,而质量、坚实度和贮藏时间的影响则显著。经分析,响应主频率随坚实度的增加而变大、随质量的增加而变小,响应主频率与质量、坚实度有较好的相关性。桃果实与响应主频率、质量有关的硬度系数与坚实度相关性也较好,可以利用硬度系数来预测桃坚实度。


      Abstract: In recent years, there is an increasing demand for the quality of all kinds of fruits, and considerable researches on the measurement of quality of fruits have been carried out. This research is focused on the characteristics of frequency-spectrum of peach under lower height, and the correlation between response frequency and physical property parameters. The peach dynamic resonance frequencies were obtained based on the analysis of the dynamically measured frequency response of peaches drop onto plate with the drop height, the peach firmness, the peach mass and the storage day. As a result of the analysis, the dominant resonance frequencies (the response magnitude was the greatest) could be obtained and they were significantly affected by the storage days, the peach firmness, the peach mass. The drop height did not significantly affect the dominant frequency. The dominant frequency increased with the peach firmness increasing, and the dominant frequency decreased with increasing of the peach mass. The better relationship was obtained between the dominant frequency and the peach firmness or the peach mass, and the stiffness coefficient regressed on Magness-Taylor firmness had a good relationship. The peach firmness can be predicted by drop impacting method.


