
    Effects of surface soil salinity on crop yield in areas of the lower reaches of the Yellow River

    • 摘要: 应用地质统计学原理与方法,描述了黄河下游地区表层土壤盐分及相应作物产量的空间与时间变化分布趋势及特征,统计分析了不同土、水、肥组合条件下表层土壤盐分对夏玉米和冬小麦产量的影响。分析结果表明,表层土壤盐分及作物产量在周年内表现出相反的空间分布状况和相近的时间变异分布趋势。作物产量的空间分布明显受到表层土壤盐分空间分布趋势的影响,表层土壤含盐量和作物产量在灌区上、下游的分布状态相对稳定,而在中游的变化却呈现出各自明显的季节性差异。不同土、水、肥组合条件下,表层土壤盐分状况对冬小麦产量的影响较大,表层土壤盐分给定时,在相近的施肥水平下,灌溉条件对冬小麦产量的影响较大,而相近的灌溉条件下,不同施肥水平则对两种作物的产量均有明显的影响。研究成果可为灌区制定合理的农田水土管理策略和作物种植模式提供参考。


      Abstract: By applying geostatistical techniques to a large-scaled area of the Bojili Irrigation District in Shandong, the regional surface soil salinity effects on crop yields were investigated. The tendency and features of the temporal and spatial variability of the surface soil salinity and crop yields were depicted and the impacts of the soil salinity on summer maize and winter wheat yields under the different combinations of soil, irrigation and fertilizing were quantitatively analyzed. The results showed that, within a full hydrological cycle year, the regional spatial varieties of the surface soil salinity and crop yields indicated different distribution features, while the temporal varieties of these properties demonstrated similar distribution tendency and features. The spatial varieties of the crop yields were significantly influenced by the corresponding distributions of the regional surface soil salinity, and the spatial distributions of the soil salinity values and crop yields in different seasons were relatively stable in the upper and lower areas, but varied significantly in the middle area of the irrigation district. The surface soil salinity showed a great effect on the winter wheat yields under the different combinations of soil, irrigation and fertilizing. With the same soil salinity and fertilizing levels, irrigation had a significant influence on the winter wheat yields, while with the similar irrigation level fertilization showed significant effects on the yields of both crops. The results of this study provided the rational data that will be of benefit to making the soil and water management strategies and crop patterns in this region.


