
    Effects of different soil moistures before sowing on water consumption characteristics and yield of summer maize

    • 摘要: 该试验在中国科学院地理所禹城综合试验站进行,研究了底墒差异对夏玉米耗水特性及产量的影响。得出土壤体积含水率随深度的增加而逐渐趋向稳定,但底墒影响各层的水分含量和夏玉米的耗水深度。若夏玉米生育期间不进行补充灌溉且含水率小于27%时,夏玉米的主要供水层在60~90 cm范围内,冬小麦生育期间不灌水的夏玉米开始利用深层水,底墒相对充足的夏玉米利用的深度可达1.1 m土深。在冬小麦生育期间灌两水(120 mm)条件下,对夏玉米进行补充灌溉可显著提高产量,但在冬小麦生育期间灌一水(60 mm)条件下再进行补充灌溉,其增产作用不及充足的底墒水。冬小麦在抽穗和灌浆期灌溉120 mm,夏玉米生育期间灌水150 mm的处理夏玉米产量达7466.58 kg/hm2。冬小麦在拔节—抽穗—灌浆期灌溉,夏玉米整个生育期都不灌溉的处理水分利用效率(WUE)为33.34 kg/(hm2·mm)。


      Abstract: The experiment was conducted at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station to study the effect of different soil moistures before sowing(SMBS) on water consumption characteristics and yield of summer maize. The experiment showed that with the depth of soil, soil moisture inclined to stabilization, but SMBS affected soil moisture of every layer and consuming water depth of summer maize. In 60~90 cm, when soil moisture content is less than 27.7% and soil without irrigation in wheat growth stages, summer maize began to utilize deep water, the summer maize, which SMBS is relatively large, can reach 1.1 m soil depth. When soil is irrigated twice in winter wheat growth stages, additional irrigation in summer maize can increase maize yield notably; When soil is irrigated once in winter wheat growth stage, the function of additional irrigation is not greater than sufficient SMBS. After soil irrigated at heading and grouting period and 150 mm water in summer maize growth stages, the treatment gained maize kernel 7466.58 kg/hm2. After irrigated at jointing, heading and grouting period in winter wheat growth stages, but without irrigation in summer maize growth stages, the WUE of the treatment was 33.34 kg/(hm2·mm).


