
    Automatic 3D solid modeling of axial flow pump

    • 摘要: 针对目前轴流泵三维(3D)实体造型缺乏自动实现的特点,提出了一种自动实现轴流泵3D实体造型的方法。该方法将数据文件作为水力设计软件和三维造型软件Pro/Engineer之间的桥梁,利用叶片表面离散点表达方式灵活的特点,来构造任意形式的叶片柱面截线的平面展开图,以此生成具有足够精度的叶片特征曲线。在该方法中,轮毂利用二次开发工具Pro/Toolkit和特征描述法直接完成造型;叶片则由特征曲线混成叶片的正背面,再融合叶片的所有表面得到封闭曲面,根据封闭曲面得到实体造型。这种方法的特点是:充分利用了Pro/Toolkit快速灵活的优势,所完成的造型程序适用性强,精度高,可实现任意形式的轴流叶轮的三维自动实体造型。文中给出了叶轮实体造型实例。


      Abstract: An automatic 3D solid modelling program used to model the axial-flow pump is put forward. This method takes the data file as interface between hydraulic-design software and 3D modelling software. Because they have the flexibility for representing blade surface, the discrete points are used to construct the blade profile with any style. Thus, characteristic blade lines that are in enough precision could be obtained. In this method, the hub is directly produced based on the secondary development tool, Pro/Toolkit, and the feature describing modeling technique. The blades are generated by: first, blending working face, back face, and characteristic blade lines; second, merging other faces. This method takes the flexibility and efficiency of Pro/Toolkit and results the implementation of a good program that has the property of applicability and high accuracy. It can be used to model axial-flow impeller with any type. An example of impeller solid model is given in this paper to demonstrate the feasibility of the method.


