
    Behaviour of weaning piglets under intensive farm environment

    • 摘要: 该文作者在对两个规模猪场仔猪培育舍的夏季小气候环境进行测试分析的基础上,着重对仔猪的行为表现进行了连续1周的观察。结果表明,集约化饲养下,虽然可以为猪提供良好的猪舍小气候环境,但因饲养环境贫瘠,空间狭小,缺乏有效的刺激,某些固有行为得不到正常表达,猪的躺卧时间大大增加。由于躺卧环境不合适,出现了较多的趴卧、扎堆等不舒适躺卧行为,降低了休息和睡眠质量,从而对养猪生产造成一定影响。


      Abstract: The experiments were conducted to study the microclimate environment of two intensive weaning houses and observe the behaviour of the weaning piglets in the summer. The results showed that the weaning houses could provide a good microclimate condition for the piglets. But it was also showed that the weaning piglets could not fulfill the natural instincts and behavioural needs because of the barren rearing environment, such as less available space and lacking of effective stimulator. The piglets tended to spend more time in lying. As the sleeping area was not comfortable, the aberrant lying pattern like lying on belly, bunching up and piling on top of each other were observed. These actions will result in quality decrease of sleeping and therefore affect the pig production.


