
    Land use pattern and technique characterized as eco economic type in the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of Bashang areas of Hebei Province

    • 摘要: 河北坝上地区处于中国北方农牧交错带,由于长期大规模高强度地滥垦滥牧,在近100年的时间里,该区生态环境遭受了空前的破坏;而该区域居民粮食不足和收入低的事实又使其经济发展显得尤为重要。因此,该区的土地利用模式必须走生态、经济兼顾型道路。该文依据国家旱农张北试验区多年田间试验结果和作者的调查,提出了以“乔灌成网、少耕留茬、高效集约、草畜一体”为内容的生态经济型土地利用模式与技术体系。


      Abstract: Bashang area of Hebei Province is located in ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of North China. Its ecological environment had been destroyed heavily in the last 100 years because of overreclaiming and overgrazing in a long period; at the same time, its economic development is very urgent because of grain shortage and low farmer's income. Therefore the land use pattern of the region must follow a way to pay attention to both ecological benefits and economic profits. Aimed at these problems, this paper put forward a strategy of land use characterized as ecoeconomic type based on the field experimental results and agricultural household survey date in Zhangbei County. Its main contents are as follows: build a field protective net using arbors and shrubs; adopt less tillage and high crops' stubble in sandy chestnut brown soils; grow vegetables in meadow chestnut brown soils; integrate the production of forage and animals.


