
    Method for land resources monitoring by remote sensing data on large-scale

    • 摘要: 遥感技术已广泛应用于国土资源调查、评价和监测等领域,而遥感数据处理与分析仍是制约其应用深度的重要因素。该文在对比分析目前资源遥感监测技术的基础上,探索了基于两个时相遥感影像的变化信息提取、基于遥感影像与基年土地利用现状图的变化信息提取和基于最新遥感影像土地利用现状信息提取等关键环节的技术方法,提出了适合工程化和规模化应用的解决方案,为遥感技术在土地资源领域的深入应用提供技术支持。


      Abstract: Remote sensing data is widely used in resource surveying, monitor and evaluation. The data processing level is a key factor which controls the use extent of remote sensing technology. Based on the comparison among different method of land use change and land cover type detecting, map selection method of land-use change detecting, land use map update and land cover type abstraction were studied. As a result, practicable method of land use change and land use detection technology were provided for large-scale.


