李毅, 邵明安, 王文焰, 王全九, 张建丰. 有限深土体中再分布的土壤水盐运移试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2004, 20(3): 40-43.
    引用本文: 李毅, 邵明安, 王文焰, 王全九, 张建丰. 有限深土体中再分布的土壤水盐运移试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2004, 20(3): 40-43.
    Li Yi, Shao Ming′an, Wang Wenyan, Wang Quanjiu, Zhang Jianfeng. Experimental study on characteristics and forecasting of soil water and salt movement affected by redistribution[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2004, 20(3): 40-43.
    Citation: Li Yi, Shao Ming′an, Wang Wenyan, Wang Quanjiu, Zhang Jianfeng. Experimental study on characteristics and forecasting of soil water and salt movement affected by redistribution[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2004, 20(3): 40-43.


    Experimental study on characteristics and forecasting of soil water and salt movement affected by redistribution

    • 摘要: 再分布是田间水分循环的过程之一,研究再分布的水盐运移特征对于盐碱地开发和改良工作有重要意义。该文根据实测资料,研究了在有限深度下新疆盐碱土再分布过程中水分和盐分运移特征。根据γ透射法观测的水分剖面,可获得再分布水分的动态变化过程。对盐分分布特征进行分析,可建立含盐率和盐分浓度与深度之间的指数函数关系。采用水分特征曲线预测了再分布平衡时的含水率剖面,并与新疆盐碱土再分布10 d的实测含水率剖面资料进行了对比,结果表明,该特征曲线可较好地预测再分布达到平衡时的水分运动特征。


      Abstract: Redistribution is one of the water recycling processes in the field. The related study on water and salt movement characteristics is of much importance for the reclamation and development of salinized soil. According to the data obtained by using gamma ray attenuation method, the dynamic water and salt movement characteristics of salinized soil in Xingjiang province during redistribution proccess was described. Based on the experimental data of salt distribution, the exponential function of soil salt content and concentration with depth were established. Moreover, the soil water content profile was predicted using soil water characteristic curve and compared with that of measured data, the results show that it can predict water movement accurately.


