李丽勤, 高焕文. 一种非刚性运动目标图像跟踪的改进算法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2004, 20(4): 17-20.
    引用本文: 李丽勤, 高焕文. 一种非刚性运动目标图像跟踪的改进算法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2004, 20(4): 17-20.
    Li Liqin, Gao Huanwen. Improved algorithm of non-rigid object tracking[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2004, 20(4): 17-20.
    Citation: Li Liqin, Gao Huanwen. Improved algorithm of non-rigid object tracking[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2004, 20(4): 17-20.


    Improved algorithm of non-rigid object tracking

    • 摘要: 针对玉米秸秆粉碎后抛撒运动的特点,提出一种改进的变形模板跟踪算法实现非刚性目标的运动跟踪,在两个方面对原有的算法进行了改进:1)选择适当的预测方法,减少遮挡物体对研究目标的影响。2)通过选择适当的特征区域把运动目标限制在局部区域,而不是对整帧图像进行处理。试验证明了该算法在目标跟踪的实现效率、精确性方面有一定的优势。


      Abstract: A tracking non-rigid objects algorithm based on deformable template is presented in this paper. Two impovements of the original algorithm are proposed: 1) Decreasing influence of occlusion objects on motion objects via suitable prediction methods; 2) Tracking motion objects are restricted in local regions rather than in whole image through selecting suitable characteristic regions. The experiments show that the algorithm has advantages in precision and efficiency in motion tracking.


