
    Development and experiment of portable NDVI instrument for estimating growth condition of winter wheat

    • 摘要: 该文介绍了一种测量冬小麦生长归一化植被差异指数(NDVI—Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)的新型仪器,该仪器能快速、方便地测定农作物的NDVI值,准确地对作物的生长情况做出评估,对指导作物管理具有着重要作用。它利用日光作光源,通过4个具有特殊光谱响应特性的光电探测器,在近红外和红光两个特征波长处,分别对入射光和植被的反射光进行探测,根据测得的信号,经模拟/数字转换后,由单片机按一定的计算公式求出归一化植被差异指数,所得NDVI结果由液晶显示器(LCD)显示。在


      Abstract: A portable NDVI instrument was designed and tested in winter wheat field. It can display NDVI values of winter wheat in field. The crop growth can be assessed based on their NDVI values. This will be very important for crop management. It uses sunlight for its light source. There are four special different photoelectrical detectors with red and near infrared wavelengths, which are used for detecting incidence and reflex. The computer calculates the NDVI value based on the A/D value. The value can be displayed on its LCD. The portotype was tested in winter field at different hours and directions. The optimum test method was provided.


