
    Time for uncovering and covering heat preservation curtain for sunlight greenhouses

    • 摘要: 适宜的保温帘揭盖时间对室内作物生长及温室的保温性能有很大影响,尤其对冬季温室生产影响显著。该文对冬季日光温室保温帘覆盖时间进行了理论分析和试验研究。利用保温帘揭盖前后温室能量平衡的变化及多元回归方法,推导出确定揭盖保温帘时间的数学模型,并分晴天、阴天两种典型天气展开讨论和试验,结果表明按计算所得保温帘揭盖时间达到了预期效果。


      Abstract: Suitable time for uncovering and covering heat preservation curtain affects greatly the heat preservation of greenhouses and crop growth inside, especially in winter. Research on environment inside and outside of sunlight greenhouses in winter was done, according energy balance and method of regression, the formula to determine suitable time for covering and uncovering heat preservation curtain were derived under two typical weather conditions-sunny day and overcast day. Experiments were conducted to prove the correctness and practicality of the derived formula.


