
    Analysis of reclamation feasibility in land reclamation planning

    • 摘要: 该文论述了土地复垦规划中可垦性分析的重要性,阐述了可垦性分析的含义和内容,提出可垦性分析的一般程序和多因素综合评价法,即在选定评价单元的基础上,选择可垦性分析的主导因素,采用层次分析法给主导因素打分,采用乘法模型计算评价单元的可垦性综合分值,从而得到待复垦区域的可垦性分析值,通过量化的综合分值可以确定待复垦区域的可垦性。并以山东某矿采煤塌陷地为例进行分析,经验证该方法得出的评价结果能够反应待复垦区的实际情况,为土地复垦规划设计提供参考。


      Abstract: This paper introduced the necessity of reclamation feasibility analysis (RFA) in land reclamation planning and presented the concept and contents of RFA. The general model and comprehensive evaluation method of RFA with many indexes were developed. The major procedures are as follows: selecting master indexes based on evaluation cells; giving every index a value by AHP method; comprehensively evaluating every assess cells by multiplicative model and producing the value of RFA. A case study in Yanzhou city was also presented based on the developed RFA method. The result was satisfied to meet the requirements of land reclamation planning.


