
    Crop water requirement isoline based on GIS and geostatistics

    • 摘要: 利用“全国灌溉试验资料数据库”中作物需水量试验数据,在ERSI的ARCGIS和微软电子表格EXCEL支持下,将GIS的空间数据管理功能和地统计学的空间分析功能有机结合,用多种插值方法进行山东省冬小麦需水量等值线图的绘制,结果表明:地统计学方法优于常规的反距离加权方法、多项式方法和径向基函数法;地统计方法中的普通克里金(Ordinary Kriging)球状模型的预测误差的均值、预测误差的均方根、平均预测标准差、平均标准差、标准均方根预测误差等5个指标均优于普通克里金指数模型、简单克里金(Simple Kriging)球状模型和简单克里金指数模型,具有较高的插值精度。


      Abstract: The water requirement isogram of the winter wheat in Shandong province could be mapped through many different interpolation methods by experimental data of the crop water requirement, which comes from "Data Base of National Irrigation Experimental Materials". The EXCELL of Microsoft and ARCGIS of ERIS were employed to combine organically the function of the space data management in GIS with that of the space analysis in Geostatistics. The result shows that the method of the Geostatistics is better than the conventional inverse distance weighting, the polynomial and the radial basis functions. That the five indexes in the Geostatistics, namely, the mean of the Ordinary Kriging spherical model, the Root-Mean-Square the Average Standard Error, the Mean Standardized, and the Root-Mean-Square Standardized are superior to the Ordinary Kriging exponential model, the simple Kriging spherical model and the Kriging exponential model with high precision.


