
    Intelligent design system for microirrigation pipe-network based on GIS technology

    • 摘要: 微灌管网智能化设计系统是利用地理信息系统技术,在对微灌管网水力学优化设计模型研究成果进行可视化技术集成的基础上,建立的智能化设计系统。该文对该系统的开发原则、功能结构和系统结构进行了详细论述,并解释了系统实现的技术要点。该系统采用面向对象技术,具有可视化、智能化、易操作、易扩展等特点。


      Abstract: The intelligent design system for microirrigation pipe-network was set up by using the technology of geographic information system (GIS) to integrate the achievements of scientific research on the hydraulic analysis and design model. In this paper, the design principle, the function framework and the system framework were discussed, and the key technology was further explained for this intelligent design system. Object-oriented technology was adopted in the pipe-network intelligent design software, and it has visualized graphical interfaces and can be used and extended easily.


