
    Model development and simulation of variable rate of pressure spray

    • 摘要: 根据施药目标特征和机组行走速度的变化改变施药量可有效地节约农药和减轻农业生态环境对化学物质的负担。变量施药技术是当前植保机械研究的重要内容和发展方向。该文在自行设计的压力式变量喷雾系统基础上,建立了该系统的控制数学模型,得出了系统的传递函数,并利用MATLAB对系统模型进行了仿真。结果表明,该模型可方便地控制系统的施药量变化,并能达到较满意的控制效果。


      Abstract: Changing spray rate in terms of the variation of spray targets and machine speed may effectively save pesticide and reduce environment pollution. Variable spray rate system will be the important tendence of pesticide application in the future. On the basis of designing a variable spray rate system, this paper developed the system control model and the system transfer function. The model was simulated successfully with the MATLAB platform. The result showed an expected effect of controlling the spray rate of the system.


