
    Application of virtual prototyping technology to development of small-sized agricultural loader

    • 摘要: 文章分析了虚拟样机技术的主要特点及其对小型装载机设计的重要性,阐述了小型农用装载机的设计原理,详细介绍了利用SolidWorks设计装载机虚拟样机的过程,其中包括虚拟样机的三维建模、虚拟装配、图形渲染、运动仿真、干涉检测、二维工程图的转换等,并展示了根据虚拟样机技术制造的物理样机图像。结果表明,应用虚拟样机技术可以提高小型装载机的设计效率及质量。


      Abstract: Concept and key characteristics of virtual prototyping technology were described and design principle of small-sized agricultural loader was discussed in the paper. Furthermore, virtual prototype of agricultural loader based on SolidWorks was analyzed, including its three-dimensional modeling, virtual assembly, image rendering, kinematic simulation, interference detection and two-dimensional engineering-drawing conversion. And real agricultural loader image was also shown. The result shows that development efficiency and quality of small-sized loader increased with virtual prototyping technology.


