
    Influences of the electrode dimension of the dielectric seed separator on the separation effect

    • 摘要: 该文针对国内的介电分选机因无专用分选电极而无法应用于生产的问题,通过对分选电极材料和型式的研究,研制了以铝作为芯材并具有双绝缘层的电极。该电极的内绝缘层为聚乙烯,主要起绝缘作用;外绝缘层为聚氯乙烯,主要起保护聚乙烯的作用,兼顾绝缘作用。设计了3种不同尺寸的电极,并利用由它们绕制的滚筒对谷子和小麦种子进行了分选试验,得出了“无论是分选大粒种子还是分选小粒种子,都以小直径的电极绝缘线缠绕的滚筒为佳”的结论,为分选电极的设计与选用提供了理论依据。


      Abstract: In view of the fact that the dielectric separator could not be used in seed processing in China because of lack of specialized electrode, based on studies on electrode material and electrode construction, a new electrode was designed, with aluminum as conductor and two layers of insulation. Polyethylene was used as inner insulation material to provide insulation and polyvinyl chloride was used as the outer insulation material to protect polyethylene and provide insulation as well. Cylinders made from three electrodes with different sizes were used to test the separation effect on wheat and millet seeds. Experiments show that "whether small seeds or large seeds, the cylinder with the smallest size electrode shows the best separation effect", which provides the scientific basis for design and application of the electrode.


