
    Raster and vector data integrated analysis system for monitoring crop quality and optimized planting

    • 摘要: 分析了当前矢量栅格数据一体化分析应用系统的集成方式,并根据基于遥感和地理信息系统的作物品质监测与调优栽培系统的需求,分析了矢栅一体化集成应用系统对GIS软件平台的要求;以上述分析为基础,以解决遥感、专业应用模型与地理信息系统之间的一体化集成分析为目标,研究了基于组件技术、空间数据技术和模型库管理系统技术的作物品质监测与调优栽培系统的开发与实现。


      Abstract: Integration modes for developing raster and vector data integrated analysis system were analyzed, and demands were also analyzed from the GIS development platform to meet the requirements of the integrated system for crop quality monitoring and planting optimization. Based on the above analyses, the design and development of the system were conducted. Supported by component technology (COM/OLE), Spatial Data Engine (SDE), model base management system (MBMS) and equation reorganization, the system was well-integrated with GIS, RS and special models.


