
    Experimental measurement equipment for monitoring the liquid foods based on the ultrasonic transmission properties

    • 摘要: 研制了一个适用于液态食品超声波传播特性检测的装置,利用超声脉冲发射和接收测定液态食品的超声传播速度、声衰减和声阻抗。声速检测采用比较法,相对误差小于0.5%。利用声传播途径通过方程计算声衰减和声阻抗,计算中考虑了传播过程的声反射和声透射,结果具有一定的准确性。利用该装置研究发现苹果汁饮料中原果汁浓度与声速有良好的线性相关,具较好的实用性,可以应用于食品质量的超声检测。


      Abstract: An experimental equipment for measuring the ultrasonic transmission properties in liquids foods was developed. The equipment is based on pulse-echo technique, which can be used to measure the ultrasonic velocity, attenuation coefficient and specific acoustic impedance of liquid food samples. The relative error of the velocity is less than 0.5%. Measurements of attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance are based on the ultrasonic transimission route and the acoustic reflection and transmission so that the accuracy is same fine. The equipment was used to research the relationship between ultrasonic velocity and raw cyrup concertration in malic juice. The result indicates that they have good correlation. Therefore, the equipment is practical and can be used for measurement of food quality.


