
    Contaminant gas survey of naturally ventilated dairy-cow freestall houses in Denmark

    • 摘要: 近年来,奶牛全舍饲散养工艺技术被欧美等国家越来越普遍地使用。全舍饲工艺中的舍内空气质量对奶牛的健康和生产性能影响很大,为较深入了解该工艺中热环境与其它有害气体的相应关系,通过对丹麦7个有代表性奶牛场进行温度、含湿量及几种主要有害气体的现场测试,对该工艺下舍内空气环境条件进行分析研究。结果表明:丹麦气候条件下全舍饲的自然通风牛舍,其舍内热湿状况受舍外温湿度及牛体本身的影响,在0~25℃范围内,舍温一般比舍外高1~3℃,舍外温度每升高1℃,舍内温度上升0.8℃,含湿量约增加1000 mg/m3;舍内各环境因素之间具有显著的相关性,温度、含湿量的高低对NH3、CO2、CH4浓度均有影响;白天,由于自然通风量较大,这3种气体的平均浓度比夜间低20%左右。而N2O在整个测量过程中并未发现显著变化。


      Abstract: Dairy freestall housing systems are becoming more and more popular in the United States and Europe. In order to investigate the correlations between the thermal environments and gas emission in this type of buildings, seven typical freestall dairy farms in Denmark were surveyed for temperature, moisture and contaminant gas, in addition to the aerial conditions of the buildings. The results indicated that the temperature and humidity in the naturally ventilated dairy cow buildings were affected by the outside thermal conditions and the livestock in the buildings. When the outside temperature is between 0~25℃, the inside temperature is usually 1~3℃ higher than outside temperature. The inside temperature and moisture content were found to increase approximately 0.8℃ and 1000 mg/m3, respectively for every 1℃ increase in outside temperature. The NH3, CO2, and CH4 concentrations were affected by temperature and moisture content. During the day hours, the concentrations of NH3, CO2, and CH4 were about 20% lower because of greater natural ventilation. There was no correlation found between N2O and indoor thermal condition during the measurements.


