
    Nutrient solution management expert system for hydroponic culture of tomato and cucumber

    • 摘要: 针对无土栽培的技术核心——营养液管理,构建了水培番茄、黄瓜的营养液管理专家系统,以促进无土栽培技术在中国大面积的推广和应用。该文详细介绍了该专家系统的设计目标、结构和功能设计的过程以及知识库的构成;构建了番茄、黄瓜在不同生育期对氮、磷、钾、钙等大量元素的吸收模型,组成动态模型库;优化了番茄、黄瓜在逆境(高温、低温、寡照等)生长条件下对营养液的管理。在大量搜集水培知识和营养液管理数据的基础上,基本实现了对水培番茄、黄瓜不同生育期的营养液浓度(EC),酸碱度(pH),氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)等营养元素浓度,以及营养液温度、溶解氧浓度的管理和决策。


      Abstract: An expert system for nutrient solution management of hydroponic culture of tomato and cucumber was developed. The design object, the basic structure and functions of the system were described. The composition of knowledge database was introduced in detail. The system can accomplish model-based reasoning. The models quantitated dynamic absorption regulation of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) for tomato and cucumber at different development and growth stages, as well as different environment. Decision supporting for concentrations of principal ionic species, pH value, EC value, temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution can be realized, especially under adverse circumstances (e.g. above 32℃ and below 5℃ of air temperature, under 3000 lx of sunshine, etc.). Based on an expert system framework, nutrient solution management expert system for other vegetable crops can be developed.


