
    Vapor transfer resistance in leaf-air system of crops based on micro-climate in the greenhouse

    • 摘要: 温室作物叶-气系统水流阻力的确定对计算作物蒸腾量、制定温室作物灌溉制度以及调控温室小气候具有重要意义,但测量难度较大。该文通过对温室作物周围环境微气象条件的连续观测,计算分析了温室作物叶-气系统水流阻力各分项即叶片周围层流副层边界层阻力(rb)、冠层上方湍流边界层阻力(rg)、空气动力学阻力(re)和叶片气孔阻力(ri)的变化规律。结果表明:温室内rb比较稳定,平均约235 s/m,且与环境因素关系不甚密切;温室内黄瓜、西红柿类植物生殖生长期rg<b,在计算re时,rg的影响可忽略,取re≈rb;利用基于能量平衡方程和空气动力学方程得出的叶-气温差计算公式计算得到ri,符合其变化的一般规律;在此基础上计算了温室黄瓜的蒸腾速率,与实测值的一致性较好。


      Abstract: The resistance for vapor transfer in leaf-air system is important for estimating the transpiration of crops in the greenhouse by Penman-Monteith Model and managing the microclimate and determination of the irrigation schedule. The method and its principle of measuring the laminar boundary layer resistance(rb) in the greenhouse was introduced in this paper. The measured result showed that the average of rb was about 235 s/m and did not change with greenhouse environment. Estimating the turbulent boundary layer resistance (rg) at different heights under different wind speeds, it is found out that rg was much smaller than rb during the reproductive development period of tomato and cucumber in the greenhouse, so we assumed re≈rb (re is the external resistance). The stomata diffusive resistance (ri) of any time scope was calculated by the model of Tl-Ta formulated based on energy and mass balance equation, simultaneously by continuously monitoring the greenhouse environmental factors. There was a good relationship between the daily transpiration of greenhouse cucumber crops measured and predicted by Penman-Monteith model. This is a useful method to get the resistance for vapor transfer in leaf-air system of crops in the greenhouse for its convenience, less-interference and succession.


