
    Evapotranspiration and reasonable irrigation amount of the common turfgrasses in Beijing

    • 摘要: 研究了在北京地区不同供水条件下,草地早熟禾、高羊茅、多年生黑麦草、野牛草、结缕草和狗牙根整个生长季的蒸散量差异和耗水规律。结果表明,蒸散量主要与草坪草的生物学特性有关,受水分条件影响;冷季型草坪草中多年生黑麦草耗水最少,暖季型草坪草中结缕草耗水最少;通过比较坪草和北方主要农作物的KC值,得出草坪与大田作物的需水量相当;北京地区常用草坪草整个生长季的适宜灌溉量为:高羊茅(391.8 mm)>草地早熟禾(368.3 mm)>多年生黑麦草(315.1 mm)>狗牙根(300.7 mm)>野牛草(184.0 mm)>结缕草(110.5 mm)。


      Abstract: Under different water conditions in the field, the evapotranspiration (ET) of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, buffalograss, Japanese lawngrass and bermudagrass were investigated by the microlysimeter method. The results indicated that the ET of six turfgrasses was mainly influenced by turfgrass species, the second factor is water condition. Then the consumed water of turfgrass was valued by comparing the KC of the turfgrass and the general crops in North China. The reasonable irrigation amount of six turfgrasses were estimated according to the ET as follows: tall fescue (391.8 mm)> Kentucky bluegrass (368.3 mm)>perennial ryegrass (315.1 mm)>Bermudagrass (300.7 mm)>buffalograss (184.0 mm)>Japanese lawngrass (110.5 mm).


