
    Effects of sprinkler irrigation on canopy water-vapor exchange

    • 摘要: 以冬小麦为研究对象,研究了喷灌对冠层内外水汽交换的影响。研究结果表明喷灌影响了冠层内外水汽交换的过程。喷灌对冠层顶部的蒸发力影响不显著,对冠层内的蒸发力影响较大,喷灌冠层内的农田蒸发力小于地面灌冠层内同一高度的农田蒸发力。在地面灌和喷灌同时灌溉的情况下,地面灌农田的土面蒸发量大于喷灌农田;与白天相比,夜间地面灌和喷灌农田的土面蒸发都大大减少。喷灌农田的作物蒸散量通常小于地面灌农田。喷灌小麦晚上出现凝结水的量大于地面灌农田。


      Abstract: Based on the experimental data of winter wheat, an experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of sprinkler irrigation on canopy water-vapor exchange in 2002 and 2003. The results showed that the influence of sprinkler irrigation on evaporation capacity at the top of canopy was not evident. Evaporation capacity at the top of canopy of sprinkler irrigation was a little less than that of surface irrigation. The influence of sprinkler irrigation on evaporation capacity in canopy was remarkable. Evaporation capacity in canopy of sprinkler irrigation field was much less than that of the same height in canopy of surface irrigation field. But evaporation capacity of 100 cm height in sprinkler irrigation field was a little larger than that of the same height in surface irrigation field. Topsoil evaporation of surface irrigation field is higher than that of sprinkler irrigation field. The influence of sprinkler irrigation on evapotranspiration was not evident. The amount of evapotranspiration of surface irrigation field was a little larger than that of sprinkler irrigation field. The coagulating water amount of sprinkler irrigation field was more than that of surface irrigation field at night.


