No tillage planting is one of the important tasks in conservation tillage technique and the performance of no-tillage drills directly affect the realization of that technique. In order to select suitable no-tillage drills for areas with two ripe crops a year, suitability experiments have been done using JOHN DEERE 1590, 2BMD-12 No-Tillage Drill and 2BMFS-6/12 No-Tillage Drills in three different surface condition fields. The results of field test show that three kinds of no-tillage drills can all meet the national standards of drill testing when the corn stalks were chopped and returned to the field. JOHN DEERE 1590 No-Tillage Drill could not plant under the condition of the corn stalks standing in the field. 2BMD-12 No-Tillage Drill and 2BMFS-6/12 No-Tillage Drill with Strip Rotary Tiller can both work under three different soil surface conditions. JOHN DEERE 1590 No-Tillage Drill does not adapt to be used in China because the price of the machine is too high, the plot of China is small, working time is short, therefore, the drill capacity could not be fully realized. It should base on the field surface condition, the size of plot and the economic status and so on to select adaptive wheat no-tillage drills for areas with two ripe crops a year.