
    Research advances of the technologies for spray drift control of pesticide application

    • 摘要: 农药雾滴飘移是造成环境污染、农药流失、农药有效利用率低的一个重要原因,分析影响雾滴飘移的主要因素,研究农药雾滴飘移机理,不仅可以为控制雾滴飘移的喷雾部件的研究提供理论依据,同时对提高农药的施药效果,减少农药飘失,增强环境保护都具有重要的现实意义。该文分析了当前国外控制农药雾滴飘移的先进技术及喷雾部件的研究现状。通过分析中国农药使用现状及存在问题,提出在中国要有效控制雾滴飘移,除了采取合适的施药方法,还应进一步加强农药雾滴飘移控制技术及喷雾部件的研究。


      Abstract: Spray drift of pesticide is an important factor to cause environmental contaminations and low effectiveness of pesticide applications. To analyze the drift affecting factors and the droplet drift dynamics could not only provide the theoretical basis for the research of the droplet drift control and the spraying equipment, but also increase the efficiency of pesticide applications, reduce the droplet drift and improve the environmental protection. Advanced equipment and techniques to reduce the spray drift in developed countries were reviewed. On the basis of analyzing the current situation about the spray technique of pesticide in China, several application methods to reduce spray drift and suggestions on developing new spray equipment and spray drift reduction technologies were proposed.


