许迪, 李益农, 李福祥, 白美健. 农田土地精细平整施工测量网格间距的适宜性分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(2): 51-55.
    引用本文: 许迪, 李益农, 李福祥, 白美健. 农田土地精细平整施工测量网格间距的适宜性分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(2): 51-55.
    Xu Di, Li Yinong, Li Fuxiang, Bai Meijian. Analysis of feasible grid space in agricultural land levelling survey[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(2): 51-55.
    Citation: Xu Di, Li Yinong, Li Fuxiang, Bai Meijian. Analysis of feasible grid space in agricultural land levelling survey[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(2): 51-55.


    Analysis of feasible grid space in agricultural land levelling survey

    • 摘要: 基于不同测量网格间距得到的典型田块地面相对高程试验资料,利用统计学方法对数据进行分析处理,通过测量人力投入、田块微地形表述程度和平地土方量估算精度的对比,探讨小田块土地精平作业中适宜采用的施工测量网格间距。结果表明:平地土方量估算精度和测量作业人力投入对确定适宜的施工测量网格间距至为关键,在适当保持土方量相对估值精度并有效减少测量人力投入前提下,建议在小田块土地精细平整作业中,使用10~15 m施工测量网格间距上得到的田面相对高程数据,设计土地精细平整工程方案,从而达到低投入高产出的预期平地效果。


      Abstract: A statistic analysis was conducted for surface relative elevation data from typical field experiment under different survey grid spaces. The feasible survey grid space for the field with small dimension was discussed by comparison of the manpower input of the survey, description of the microtopography conditions and the precision of the estimated earthworks. The results show that the precision of the estimated earthworks, manpower input of the survey and description of the microtopography conditions are vital factors for determination of the feasible grid space. A 10~15 m grid space is suggested for land levelling survey in order to achieve the suitable precision of the estimated earthworks and less manpower input. The land levelling design for the field with small dimension could be based on such data from suggested grid space with the benefits of the higher precision and lower cost.


