张有林, 韩军岐, 卢琛慧, 梁锦丽. 姜黄色素提取及防腐效果研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(2): 144-148.
    引用本文: 张有林, 韩军岐, 卢琛慧, 梁锦丽. 姜黄色素提取及防腐效果研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(2): 144-148.
    Zhang Youlin, Han Junqi, Lu Chenhui, Liang Jinli. Extraction and antiseptic effect of curcumin on foods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(2): 144-148.
    Citation: Zhang Youlin, Han Junqi, Lu Chenhui, Liang Jinli. Extraction and antiseptic effect of curcumin on foods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(2): 144-148.


    Extraction and antiseptic effect of curcumin on foods

    • 摘要: 研究了姜黄色素(Curcumin)的提取工艺和防腐效果。试验表明:用Na2HPO4-柠檬酸缓冲液,在30 g脱脂姜黄粉中加入8倍的水和酶活为800 u/mL的α-淀粉酶液5.0 mL、酶活为300 u/mL的果胶酶液0.5 mL、酶活为30 u/mL的纤维素酶液2.0 mL,用浓度为1 mol/L的盐酸调pH值至4.5,50℃下酶解120 min,再用浓度为1 mol/L的氢氧化钠调pH值至10,浸提60 min过滤。第二、第三次浸提不再加酶,直接加入6倍和5倍的水,用上述同样的方法调节pH值,分别浸提50 min和45 min。三次提取液混合,用浓度为1 mol/L的盐酸调pH值至6.0使姜黄色素沉淀,经离心分离和真空冷冻干燥,姜黄色素得率为5.47%。浓度在0.025%以上的姜黄色素碱水溶液对馒头、豆腐、熟牛肉有良好的防腐效果,浓度在0.05%以上对苹果原汁具有防腐性。姜黄色素经加热煮沸后防腐作用降低。


      Abstract: The extraction technology and antiseptic effect of curcumin on foods were studied. The result showed that Na2HPO4-citric acid was used as buffer solution, 5.0 mL α-amylase(enzymatic activity 800 u/mL), 0.5 mL pectic enzyme(enzymatic activity 300 u/mL) and 2.0 mL cellulose enzyme(enzymatic activity 30 u/mL) were added into 30.0 g nonfat turmeric on the condition of 50℃, pH 4.5, hydrolyzing for 120 min, and extracting for three times——8, 6 and 5 times capacity of soaking water, and 60 min, 50 min, 45 min of extracting period in turn——mixing the solution together and sedimenting curcumin by adjusting pH value to 6.0, then centrifugalizing, drying by vaccum freezing to obtain the product. The percentage of acquirement was 5.47%. The curcumin solution has fairly good antiseptic effect on steamed bread, bean curd and cooked beef when the concentration was above 0.025%, and has good antiseptic effect on fruit juice of apple when the concentration is above 0.05%. But the curcumin had no antiseptic effect at all after it was boiled.


