彭世彰, 徐俊增, 丁加丽. 控制灌溉水稻气孔导度变化规律试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 1-5.
    引用本文: 彭世彰, 徐俊增, 丁加丽. 控制灌溉水稻气孔导度变化规律试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 1-5.
    Peng Shizhang, Xu Junzeng, Ding Jiali. Variations of stomatal conductance of rice under contolled irrigation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 1-5.
    Citation: Peng Shizhang, Xu Junzeng, Ding Jiali. Variations of stomatal conductance of rice under contolled irrigation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 1-5.


    Variations of stomatal conductance of rice under contolled irrigation

    • 摘要: 根据江西示范区的现场试验资料,分析了晚稻叶片气孔导度的日变化以及全生育期内的变化规律,分析了控制灌溉条件下叶片气孔导度与外界影响因子等的相互关系,并对气孔导度进行了模拟。结果表明:气孔导度在不同的土壤水分条件下表现出不同的日变化规律,较低的土壤水分加大了其在中午的下降幅度;全生育期气孔导度先升后降,并随土壤水分降低而降低,灌水后出现反弹;叶气温差是影响气孔导度的关键因素;在一定的空气温度和CO2浓度范围内,气孔导度随之增加而增加,超出该范围后,则出现下降趋势。引入叶气温差考虑土壤水分与植物水分亏缺的影响,建立了改进的Leuning-Ball模型,模型对大田试验数据的解释能力有所提高。


      Abstract: Based on the experiment of the national "863" special project, the diurnal variation of the stomatal conductance was demonstrated, as well as the variation in the whole growth season. Relationships, under controlled irrigation, between stomatal conductance and environmental factors such as soil moisture, temperature difference between leaf and air, vapour pressure deficit, air temperature and carbon dioxide concentration were analyzed. Stomatal conductance was simulated. Results show, diurnal variation of stomatal conductance was different under different soil moisture conditions; the reduction range of stomatal conductance at noon was enlarged with low soil moisture. The stomatal conductance varied with the soil moisture during the growth season, and recuperated after irrigation or rainfall. The leaf-air temperature differential influences the stomatal conductance most significantly. As far as the air temperature and carbon dioxide concentration are concerned, there are high efficient regions. Taking leaf-air temperature differential into consideration, Leuning-Ball model was revised, which was helpful to interpret the field experimental data.


