邬应龙, 何国庆, 杨性民, 魏明英. 利用快速黏度分析仪测定魔芋微粉溶胀速度的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 171-175.
    引用本文: 邬应龙, 何国庆, 杨性民, 魏明英. 利用快速黏度分析仪测定魔芋微粉溶胀速度的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 171-175.
    Wu Yinglong, He Guoqing, Yang Xingmin, Wei Mingying. Determination of hydration rate for micro-konjac flour by rapid visco analyzer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 171-175.
    Citation: Wu Yinglong, He Guoqing, Yang Xingmin, Wei Mingying. Determination of hydration rate for micro-konjac flour by rapid visco analyzer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 171-175.


    Determination of hydration rate for micro-konjac flour by rapid visco analyzer

    • 摘要: 为了探索一种能快速测定魔芋微粉溶胀速度的仪器分析方法,利用体视显微镜和快速黏度分析仪(RVA)分别对魔芋精粉及魔芋微粉的溶胀速度进行了观察和研究。结果表明,体视显微镜可以观察区分魔芋精粉与魔芋微粉之间溶胀速度的差异,但魔芋微粉与过量水分接触后约1 min即溶胀粘连与解体溶解,故不能明确区分魔芋微粉之间溶胀速度的差异。采用RVA可以快速测定魔芋微粉的溶胀速度,测定时魔芋微粉的适宜浓度为1.0%,测定温度(30±1)℃、转速160 r/min、测定时间设置为16 min即可。测定结果具有较高的精确度。对浓度1.0%魔芋微粉在溶胀过程中的黏度变化数据进行回归分析表明,魔芋微粉溶胀过程的数学模型可用logistic方程拟合,回归方程的速度常数或达到最大黏度的1/2时所需时间均可很好地表征魔芋微粉的溶胀速度。应用这两个特征参数可以明确区分120~140目及120~250目两种魔芋微粉分散在蒸馏水中时溶胀速度的差异,也可区分魔芋微粉分散在不同浓度食盐水溶液中时溶胀速度的差异。


      Abstract: The objective of this paper is to search for a rapid determination of hydration rate for micro-konjac flour. The hydration processes of konjac and micro-konjac flour were investigated by stereomicroscope and Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA), respectively. The results showed that the hydration process of intact konjac granules could be viewed as swelling period and dissolving period. But these two periods could not be distinguished for micro-konjac flour because of its rapid hydration process almost completing in a minute. RVA could be used as a rapid test method to determine the hydration rate of micro-konjac flour. The suitable test concentration is 1%, test temperature, test speed, test time could be set as (30±1)℃, 160 r/min and 16 min, respectively. The results of curvilinear regression analysis showed that the viscosity data for hydration process of micro-konjac flour obtained by RVA were subjected to a model agreed with logistic procedure: η=ηmax/(1+EXP(a-bτ)); τ is test time, η is the viscosity of the hydration process, ηmax is the attainable maximum viscosity, b is rate constant, a is a constant relating to initial viscosity. The rate constant (b) and the time reaching the half of maximum viscosity (τp=a/b) could be used as parameters of hydration rate for the hydration process. The difference of hydration rate between 120~140 mesh and 120~250 mesh of micro-konjac flour was successfully distinguished by application of these two parameters. The inhibition capability of sodium chloride solution for the hydration process of micro-konjac flour was also successfully distinguished by these two parameters for micro-konjac flour dispersed at different concentrations of sodium chloride solution. These results indicate that RVA is a very good fast technique for determining the hydration rate of mcro-konjac flour.


