倪辉, 何国庆, 吴光斌, 杨远帆, 陈申如, 蔡慧农. 酸法破壁条件对法夫酵母虾青素提取效果的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 176-180.
    引用本文: 倪辉, 何国庆, 吴光斌, 杨远帆, 陈申如, 蔡慧农. 酸法破壁条件对法夫酵母虾青素提取效果的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(3): 176-180.
    Ni Hui, He Guoqing, Wu Guangbin, Yang Yuanfan, Chen Shenru, Cai Huinong. Effects of disrupting conditions on extracting astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma by acid method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 176-180.
    Citation: Ni Hui, He Guoqing, Wu Guangbin, Yang Yuanfan, Chen Shenru, Cai Huinong. Effects of disrupting conditions on extracting astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma by acid method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(3): 176-180.


    Effects of disrupting conditions on extracting astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma by acid method

    • 摘要: 为了评价酸法破壁在法夫酵母虾青素提取中的应用价值,从酸的种类、酸的浓度、液料比、破壁温度及时间等方面研究了条件因子对破壁后法夫酵母虾青素提取的影响并对破壁条件进行了优化。试验结果表明:乳酸比盐酸和醋酸更适合用于法夫酵母的破壁处理;酸的浓度、破壁温度等因素对虾青素的提取得率影响较大,而酸处理时间和液料比对虾青素的提取得率影响不大。用正交试验方法得到优化的乳酸破壁法夫酵母的条件为:乳酸浓度6 mol/L、破壁温度30℃、破壁时间5 min、酸加量15 mL/g(干菌体),优化后虾青素的提取得率为1374.7 μg/g(干菌体),总类胡萝卜素的提取得率为1709.9 μg/g(干菌体),提取物中虾青素占总类胡萝卜素80.4%。优化的破壁条件温和,不会引起残留毒性,能获得良好的虾青素提取效果,具有较好的工业应用前景。


      Abstract: In order to evaluate the possibility of extracting astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma disrupting cell wall by acid method, influences of several cell-wall disrupting factors such as type of acid, concentration of acid, disrupting time and liquid to solid ratio on extracting astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma were studied and conditions used to disrupt the yeast cell wall were optimized. Lactose acid was the best considering the ability of disrupting the yeast cell wall and relatively week ability of discomposing astaxanthin. Concentration of lactose acid and temperature used to treat the cell had significant effects on extraction ratio of astaxanthin. On the contrary and the ratio between acid solution and yeast cell, and time used to treat the yeast with acid appeared to have no significant effects. The optimal conditions gained by orthogonal experiment were: concentration of lactose acid 6 mol/L, temperature 30℃, time 5 min, ratio between acid solution and yeast 15 mL/g. Under the optimal conditions, the extraction ratios of astaxanthin and total carotenoid were 1374.7 μg/g and 1707.9 μg/g, respectively, and 80.4% of total carotenoid was astaxanthin. The optimal condition was easy to be put into use, would not lead to any residual poison, could get high extraction ratio and high quality astaxanthin, so it was prosperous to be put into industrial use.


