
    Development of 1QY—0.9 type hanging silt cleaner in irrigation ditches

    • 摘要: 为实现有护坡林木沟渠的机械化清淤,研制出了1QY—0.9型悬挂式灌渠清淤机。该机通过起土铲将淤土铲起,沿轴向喂入到抛土部件中,由抛土部件中的抛土叶轮沿径向抛向沟渠坡顶。试验结果表明:该机平均清淤深度的变异系数为12.20%~13.80%;抛土距离的变异系数为21.50%~32.70%;生产率在抛土距离为11.75~4.90 m时为123.75~210.88 m3·h-1。该机各项技术指标达到设计要求,并且较为稳定,工作可靠性较好。与传统清淤机械相比,具有可进沟作业,不受沟渠护坡林木的影响,机动性好的优点,作业质量完全满足黄灌区排灌渠道清淤作业的质量要求。


      Abstract: The 1QY-0.9 type hanging silt cleaner in irrigation ditches was developed in order to realize the mechanization of clearing ditches with forest defence. It scoops up silt through excavating shovel, and feeds the silt into the part of sling silt along the axial direction, then the impellers in the part of sling silt throw up the silt to the top of the ditches along the parabola pathway. The result of the experimentation shows that the variance coefficient of the average clearance deepness is 12.20%~13.80%, the variance coefficient of the distance of sling silt is 21.50%~32.70%, when the distance of sling silt is 11.75~4.90 m, the productivity is 123.75~210.88 m3·h-1. Every technique index of the 1QY-0.9 type cleaner is up to par. The performance levels and work dependability are better. In contrast with traditional cleaner, it can work in the ditches and without being influenced by forest defence, besides, its flexibility is excellent and the work quality reaches entirely the need of clearing ditches in the irrigation area along the Yellow River.


