基于1 km栅格的地表太阳辐射模拟

    Simulation of solar radiation on ground surfaces based on 1 km grid-cells

    • 摘要: 以辐射观测值与其影响因子建立非线性回归模型,以各因子的面域数据模拟全国1 km像元上的水平面年太阳辐射的空间分布;根据数字高程模型(DEM),考虑坡面坡度和坡向以及周围地形的影响,建立坡面与水平面的直接辐射转换系数模型以及坡面的视角系数模型,分别修正平面年太阳辐射中的直接辐射和散射辐射分量;汇总修正后的太阳辐射总量中的各分量,得到坡面实际可获得的辐射总量。成果可用于高精度的农业生产潜力评估、农业区划、农作物布局、退耕还林还草等。


      Abstract: Multivariate nonlinear regression model was established to simulate the solar radiation on level surface of 1 km grid-cells in China. The validation shows the prediction accuracy is 96.63 percent. Based on digital elevation model (DEM), the direct radiation ratios of slope to level and the sky view factors of slope were calculated respectively to modify direct and diffuse solar radiation which aimed to get the actual solar radiation on 1 km ground surfaces. The results indicated that great difference of solar radiation between slope and level surfaces existed in hill and mountainous regions, and the maximum difference might reach 67 percent in China. The simulated radiation could be used in extensive fields of agricultural practices and researches, such as assessment of agricultural potential productivity, agricultural zoning, distribution of crops, and returning farmland into forest and grassland.


