
    Characteristics of water consumption from different root zones of maize under localized supplies of water and nitrogen fertilizer

    • 摘要: 利用分根装置,采用传统均匀灌水、根系分区交替灌水2种方式和作物根区均匀施氮、固定部分根区施氮和根系分区交替施氮3种方式,对零、低、中、高4个施氮水平下玉米根系不同区域的耗水特点进行了研究。结果表明:交替灌水与均匀灌水均表现为,在均匀施氮时玉米两个根区的耗水量随施氮水平的增大一致减小;固定施氮时,随施氮水平的增大,施氮区的耗水量呈明显的减小趋势,从而使两个根区耗水量间的差距增大;交替施氮时的耗水量变化与之相同。而且,两种局部施氮方式下,低氮水平时,玉米两根区间耗水量无显著差异;高氮水平时,未(后)施氮区的耗水量较之先施氮区显著增大,其中尤以固定施氮的增幅更大。与均匀灌水所不同的是,交替灌水缩小了局部施氮条件下不同根区耗水量间的差距。


      Abstract: The characteristics of water consumption from different root zones of maize under localized supplies of water and nitrogen fertilizer were studied on maize growing in split-root containers. Maize was irrigated in both halves of the pot (CW) or water was alternatively supplied to two halves of the pot (alternative partial rootzone irrigation treatment, AW). Urea was applied to both halves of the pot (CN) or was continually fertilized to the one-half of the pot and the other half kept no N fertilizer (fixed partial rootzone fertilization treatment, FN), or alternatively applied to two halves of the pot (alternative partial rootzone fertilization treatment, AN), all with four levels of fertilization, i.e. zero, low, medium and high. The results were as follows: for both CW and AW, while the level of nitrogen fertilizer rose, water consumption from different root zones simultaneously decreased for CN treatment, but for root zones without fertilization in FN or fertilized at later time for AN, water consumption almost had no change, and for root zones with fertilization in FN or fertilized at early time for AN, water consumption decreased evidently, causing that the difference between two root zones increased. The difference between two root zones was not statistically significant under low level of fertilization but significant under high level. Moreover, the difference was larger for FN. In addition, compared with CW, AW reduced the water consumption difference between two root zones under localized supply of N fertilizer.


