
    Impact of oasis agricultural development on the transforming relationship between surface water and groundwater in the Shiyang River Basin

    • 摘要: 基于绿洲农业发展对水资源的依赖性,分析了天然河道渠网化、灌溉面积扩大、渠道引水量增加、渠系高标准衬砌及地下水大量开采对流域平原区地表水与地下水转化关系的影响。结果表明:绿洲农业对水资源的开发利用,在造就了高效和集约化绿洲农业生态系统的同时,也使地表水与地下水之间的转化条件、转化数量及水体质量发生了明显变化,其负面效应已引发了严重的生态环境问题,并直接威胁着绿洲的稳定和发展。


      Abstract: Based on the dependence of oasis agricultural development on water resources, the impacts of some factors such as natural river course canalized, irrigation area expanded, diversion water into canal increased, canals lined with high standard, groundwater resources exploited hugely on the transforming relationship between surface water and groundwater are analyzed. The conclusions show that the high efficient and intensive ecosystem of oasis agriculture is formed with the exploitation and utilization of water resources, as well as that the transformation condition and transformation quantity between surface water and groundwater and water quality are immensely changed. The negative effect led to serious eco-environmental problems, and also directly threatened to stabilization and development of oasis.


