
    Experimental study on the changes of nutrient salt and trace element contents in soils of vegetable greenhouse for different cultivation years

    • 摘要: 在石灰性褐土上分别选取种植1、3、6、9年蔬菜的大棚土壤,旨在研究不同种植年限对土壤养分、盐分、微量元素及重金属的影响。结果表明,随着种植年限的增加,大棚土壤的养分、盐分等均显著高于对照,其年度增长率表现为有机质<氨态氮<全盐量<速效钾<硝态氮<速效磷,其中速效磷、硝态氮、全盐量依次较对照提高21.8倍、15.9倍、2.3倍。微量元素的年度增长幅度表现为Mn<Zn<Cu<Fe,其中有效态Cu、Zn、Fe含量均高于临界值。重金属年度的增长幅度表现为Pb<Cr<Cd,虽然Cr、Cd、Pb均未超标,但大棚土壤养分、盐分、微量元素与重金属含量均随大棚利用年限的增加呈递增趋势,须引起人们的关注。


      Abstract: The experiment was conducted in calcareous cinnamon soil under vegetable greenhouses for one year, 3, 6, 9 years of utilization. The results showed that the contents of nutrient, total salt, trace elements and heavy metals were significantly higher than that of plot under conventional cultivated dryland. The ratios of annual increase were as follows: organic matter 

